Curiosity rover has captured new images of colourful twilight clouds in the atmosphere of Mars. Called iridescence, this phenomenon is caused due to scattering of light from the setting Sun by the dry ice aerosols present in the Martian atmosphere. This was fourth season of Curiosity’s twilight cloud observations which is location specific and is seen periodically. Observation of iridescence in twilight clouds provide an opportunity to study size and growth rate of particles in the Martian atmosphere.
On 17 January 2025 (the 4426th Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity’s mission), the Curiosity rover captured new images of noctilucent (night shining) or twilight clouds in the Martian sky that were tinged with red-and-green colours. Called iridescence, this phenomenon is caused due to scattering of light from the setting Sun by the ice aerosols present in the Martian atmosphere. Occasionally, the twilight clouds create a rainbow of colours, producing iridescence, or “mother-of-pearl” appearance.
This was the fourth season of Curiosity’s twilight cloud observations. The phenomenon occurs periodically during early fall in the southern hemisphere. The Curiosity rover first captured images of iridescence (bright colour formations that change with movement) in the Martian clouds in 2019. Twilight clouds were first observed on Mars in 1997 by Pathfinder mission.
Atmosphere of Mars is composed of 95% CO2, 3% N2, 1.6% Ar and traces of O2, CO, H2O, CH4, and lot of dust. At higher altitudes and lower temperatures, the Martian clouds are made of frozen CO2 or dry ice. These clouds produce iridescence. Observation of iridescence in twilight clouds provide an opportunity to study size and growth rate of particles in the Martian atmosphere.
Table: Mars rovers* |
Sojourner ► Sojourner was the Mars rover of Pathfinder mission ► Landed on Mars on 4 July 1997 at Ares Vallis, north of the equator. ► Communication lost on 27 September 1997. |
Spirit ► Landed on Mars on 3 January 2004 ► Communication lost on 22 March 2010. |
Opportunity ► Landed on Mars on 24 January 2004 ► Communication lost on 10 June 2018 |
Curiosity ► Landed on Mars on 6 August 2012 ► Located on Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, just south of the Martian equator ► Only rover that has observed twilight clouds made of carbon dioxide ice. Perhaps, this is due to its unique location. ► Curiosity rover is currently active. |
Perseverance ► Landed on Mars on 18 February 2021 ► The biggest and the best rover ever sent to Mars. ► Located in the northern hemisphere’s Jezero Crater ► The main task is to seek signs of ancient life and collect rock and soil samples for possible return to Earth. ► Carried a small helicopter called Ingenuity that explores areas like cliffs and craters where the rover cannot go. ► Perseverance rover is currently active. |
Zhurong ► Landed on Mars on 14 May 2021 ► Deactivated on 20 May 2022 |
*Curiosity and Perseverance rovers are currently active. |
Of all rovers that successfully landed on Mars, only Curiosity (which is located south of the Martian equator) has spotted twilight clouds made of dry ice. Perhaps, this is location specific phenomenon.
It is thought that atmospheric gravity waves on Mars are responsible for cooling the atmosphere sufficiently to allow CO2 to condense into dry ice which scatter sunlight giving rise to iridescence in the twilight clouds.
- NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Colourful Clouds Drifting Over Mars. Posted on 11 February 2025. Available at
- NASA. Sols 4450-4451: Making the Most of a Monday. Posted on 11 February 2025. Available at
- Lemmon M., et al 2024. Iridescence Reveals the Formation and Growth of Ice Aerosols in Martian Noctilucent Clouds. GRL. Published: 29 November 2024. DOI:
- Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover. Available at
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