A Way Forward in Developing Medicines with Fewer Unwanted Side Effects

A breakthrough study has shown a way forward to create medicines/drugs which have fewer unwanted side effects than we have today Medicines in today’s times...

A Plastic Eating Enzyme: Hope for Recycling and Fighting Pollution

Researchers have identified and engineered an enzyme which can digest and consume some of our most commonly polluting plastics providing a hope for recycling...

Precision Medicine for Cancer, Neural Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases

New study shows a method to individually distinguish cells in the body in order to advance precision medicine or personalised therapeutic treatments. Precision medicine is...

Advances in Regeneration of Damaged Heart

Recent twin studies have shown novel ways of regenerating a damaged heart Heart failure affects at least 26 million people worldwide and is responsible for...

A Step Towards Finding a Cure for Greying and Baldness

Researchers have identified a group of cells in the hair follicles of mice which are important both in forming the hair shaft to allow...

New Nanofiber Dressing for Efficient Wound Healing

Recent studies have developed new wound dressings which accelerate healing and improve tissue regeneration in wounds. Scientists discovered a very important aspect of wound healing...