Identification of Neuro-Immune Axis: Good Sleep Protects Against the Risk of...

New study in mice shows that getting enough sleep every night could provide protection from cardiovascular diseases. Getting enough sleep is a general advice given...

A First Ever Prototype ‘Blood Test’ which can Objectively Measure the...

A novel blood test for pain has been developed which can help to provide objective treatments based on severity of pain A physician assesses a...

A Potential Method to Treat Osteoarthritis by Nano-Engineered System for Delivery...

Researchers have created 2-dimensional mineral nanoparticles to deliver treatment in the body for cartilage regeneration Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease which affects 630 million people...

Understanding Sesquizygotic (Semi-Identical) Twins: The Second, Previously Unreported Type of Twinning

Case study reports first rare semi-identical twins in humans to be identified during pregnancy and only second ever known till now Identical twins (monozygotic) are...

PARS: A Better Tool to Predict Asthma Among Children

Computer-based tool has been created and tested for predicting asthma in young children. Asthma affects more than 300 million people worldwide and is among...

A Batteryless Cardiac Pacemaker Powered by Natural Heartbeat

Study shows for the first time an innovative self-powered heart pacemaker tested successfully in pigs Our heart maintains a pace through its internal pacemaker called...